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Ready to create your first event?
Here are important features you'll want to know about our service...

Low Fees

We only charge 3% plus the payment processing fees. No contract, no hidden cost, no surprise

Fast Payment

Don't get stuck waiting days for your money. Once your ticket sales end, we'll issue a payment within 48 hours

Simple interface

We strive to keep our dashboard easy to use for organizers, performers and attendees


Add other streams of revenues with high quality custom merchandises from our trusted partners

Looking for more?
Here are a few things we're working on:

iOS/Android App

Quick access to your tickets and manage your events on the go with our app

Organizers Dashboard

Full control over your events, products and statistic in a streamlined dashboard

Performers Profile

Connect with your favorite artists and performers directly on their profile


Easily assign promoters to calculate commissions automatically

Reward System

A loyalty program to reward members for everything they do


Earn money by referring friends to events hosted on


Reach a wider audience with on-demand and live streaming channels


Our craziest ideas aren't just ready yet but you'll want to stay tuned for this

We reserve the right to deny any submission that we deem unfit for our platform or community.